Creating a Text Template
Creating text templates can save you time for messages you send frequently -- and that time adds up! Follow the instructions below to create text templates that you and your team can use again and again.
In the left-hand menu, click Settings and select Practice Settings.
Click Templates and select Compose Template.
Under Template Name, enter a name for your template. Be descriptive and use a name you'll remember.
In the Text Message box, type in your text. And add an emoji if you want to make the message more engaging.
We recommend keeping your messages short and sweet (160 characters or less) so they stay within a single text. (Some carriers like T-Mobile split longer texts into multiple messages.) Use the character counter in the bottom left corner of the text editor to guide you.
Optional: To automatically include personalized information like patient names or practice information, place your cursor where you want the information inserted. Then, click the Merge Tag menu and select the merge tag you want to include. For example, using the Patient preferred name tag automatically inserts each patient's preferred name so they receive a personalized message. Refer to Merge Tags for Text Messages for a complete list of merge tags you can use.
Click Save Template. You'll now see the template you just created listed in the main Text Templates page along with your name and the day and time you created it.